Sustainable Operations

At Collé, sustainability is a top priority. Safety and health are our fundamental concerns. We are committed to environmentally friendly solutions and strive to minimize our ecological footprint. This includes purchasing electric and energy-efficient machinery, recycling materials, and forming sustainable partnerships. Additionally, we invest in training and awareness campaigns for our employees to promote sustainable working practices. At Collé Rental & Sales, we believe that responsible business practices are not only beneficial for the environment but also contribute to a better future for everyone.

A Healthy & Safe Work Environment

We take pride in our sustainable personnel policy. Through active engagement, a flat hierarchy, and a healthy work environment, our employees are more motivated and satisfied. At Collé, every employee has the opportunity to further develop their skills. Internal training ensures that our staff always work safely.

Safety Training for Staff

At Collé Rental & Sales, we understand that the nature of our work involves inherent risks, especially for our dedicated employees who work daily with our machines in our workshops. We prioritize ensuring that all our staff handling these machines receive comprehensive training to operate them in the safest and most efficient manner.

Furthermore, we provide all our employees with the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), including fall protection, safety shoes, and safety helmets. Additionally, we supply specific workwear to ensure their safety and comfort.

VGWM Committee

Our VGWM Committee (Safety, Health, and Welfare Committee) ensures that the company provides safe working conditions for all employees, enabling them to work safely and healthily. They achieve this by engaging with employees to discuss their experiences regarding safety, health, and well-being at work.

To create an even safer working environment, we regularly conduct observations and workplace inspections. Based on the findings from these assessments, we implement a comprehensive Safety, Health, Welfare, and Environment (SHWE) program. This program aims to increase awareness and strengthen the safety culture within our organization, which we approach with optimism and dedication.

Work-Life Balance

At Collé, we place great importance on maintaining a healthy work-life balance. We believe that happy employees perform better, which is why we offer various types of employment contracts and support personal needs. This approach allows you to excel professionally while also enjoying your personal life, ensuring that we support each other in all aspects.