Our IT department ensures that all systems, from internal networks to customer-facing applications, function smoothly and securely. They make sure that our colleagues can use the latest systems without issues and that workstations are perfectly equipped. By managing and maintaining servers, setting up user accounts and workstations, and supporting employees with technical problems, the IT department plays a crucial role in Collé’s daily operations. They continuously work on improving software and processes, maintaining high levels of efficiency.

Working in IT at Collé

In our IT department, you'll find a diverse team of system administrators, application managers, and IT staff. As a system administrator at Collé Rental & Sales, you ensure stable and secure IT systems, which are crucial for our daily business operations. Application managers play a key role by ensuring our applications run smoothly through careful management and maintenance. Our IT staff provide indispensable support to colleagues by quickly and effectively resolving technical issues. Together, they form the foundation of our efficient IT infrastructure.