Privacy statement

This privacy notice applies to anyone applying for a job at:

Collé Rental & Sales
Nusterweg 100-102
6136 KV Sittard

and its affiliated companies:

  • Collé Sittard Beheer B.V.
  • Collé Sittard Machinehandel B.V.
  • Collé Sittard Verhuur B.V.
  • Collé Rental & Sales Projekt B.V.
  • Collé Safety & Training B.V.
  • Collé Vermietung & Verkauf GmbH.
  • Collé Rental & Sales BVBA.
  • Collé Rental & Sales ApS

Through this privacy statement, we want to inform you about the personal data Collé processes during the application procedure. We believe it is important to ensure that the processing of your data is transparent, personal and reliable. Collé handles data with care and ensures that any processing complies with the applicable laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Finally, we would like to let you know who you can contact with questions, requests or complaints. We therefore ask you to read this information carefully.

By sending the application form, you agree that your personal data and any video applications will be processed by Collé and included in our database. This data will be treated confidentially by us and used exclusively for the application process at Collé. We will not provide information to third parties, unless required by law or necessary for the application process. For example, an assessment agency or a recruitment and selection agency that has put you in contact with us.

Collé collects and processes applicant data directly or through forms and/or attached CVs via Collé's careers website: Collé also collects and processes applicant data through personal contacts, telephone calls and/or e-mail.

Personal data is any information about an identified or identifiable natural person. For you, this means that this information is directly about you or this information can be traced back to you. For example, this could be about your name, date of birth and address, but your employee number, business e-mail address or business telephone number is also personal data.

Processing personal data refers to all the operations we can perform with your personal data, from collection to destruction. This is therefore a broad concept.

Actions that are covered in any case are: collecting, recording, organising, storing, updating, modifying, retrieving, consulting, using, transmitting, distributing, making available, bringing together, linking, blocking, erasing and destroying data.

By submitting an application letter and thereby providing the personal data mentioned therein, the applicant expressly consents to the processing of such data for the following purposes:

1. Identification;
2. Communication;
3. To assess the applicant's suitability;
4. For the purpose of related administrative processing;
5. To handle any expenses incurred by the applicant during the application process.

The legal basis for collecting personal data is therefore the applicant's consent.

Based on this consent, Collé collects the following personal data from the applicant with the corresponding purposes:

Personal data   



Administrative handling of application/ communication

First name

Administrative handling of application/ communication


Administrative handling of application/ communication


Administrative handling of application/ communication


Administrative handling of application/ communication

E-mail address

Administrative handling of application/ communication

Passport photo


Date of birth

Assessment of suitability


Assessment of suitability

Work experience

Assessment of suitability


Assessment of suitability


Assessment of suitability and communication

Phone number

Administrative handling of application/ communication

Bank account

Dealing with expenses incurred

Details of parents, guardians or carers of minors

Assessment of suitability and administrative processing of application

If necessary, we may ask you for the following information:

Identity number

Control law employment agreement and quota labour restrictions

Identity document

Verifying identity during a job interview

Retention of your personal data
When storing personal data, our basic principle is that we do not keep data for longer than is necessary for the purpose for which we processed it.

Collé retains applicant data during and after the recruitment and selection period. After completion of the recruitment and selection procedure, the data will be kept for a maximum of 1 year. After this period, the data will be completely removed from Collé's systems. If we wish to keep your application for longer, for example for future vacancies, we will ask your permission to do so.

You can withdraw your permission to keep your data (after the application procedure) at any time by sending an email to:

Securing your personal data
Your personal data are protected by physical, administrative, organisational and technical measures. We therefore have an appropriate level of protection. We also adjust this periodically when necessary.

Your rights
You have the right under the GDPR, in respect of the personal data we process about you, to ask us to:

  • access to your data;
  • a copy of your data;
  • receive information about the processing of your data;
  • correct information which is factually incorrect;
  • complete incomplete information where this is necessary for the purpose for which the data are processed;
  • request deletion of your data;
  • withdraw your consent, in which case the withdrawal will apply to future use of your
  • data;
  • file a complaint with the competent organisation in the Netherlands supervising the compliance with privacy legislation. In the Netherlands, this is the Personal Data Authority (AP) in The Hague. In this case, we do appreciate it if you contact us first to see if we can resolve your complaint.

If you wish to invoke your rights, or have other questions or complaints, please contact the HR department (via or telephone number 046-45 74 100).

We also refer to our general privacy statement, which can be found on our website

Date a modification of the privacy statement
We reserve the right to amend this privacy statement. If it is a significant change, we will notify you.

By submitting your application and ticking the privacy statement box, you hereby declare that you have read and understood the information relating to the collection and processing of personal data pertaining to your privacy.